2016PreviousCardio Event 2016

19 February 2016

From 11 to 13 February 2016, the Cardio Event – Cardiology towards the future was held in Florence, at the Palazzo dei Congressi. The 2016 edition had as its subtitle ‘Precision Medicine in Cardiology’, thus proposing one of the main themes of current medicine, capable of highlighting the comparison between different approaches that medics, and in particular cardiologists, have at their disposal for their care provision, including for example EBM, Knowledge Based Medicine and Narrative Medicine.

During the event Nume Plus set up a multimedia and interactive section, allowing participants to try innovative technologies including OCULUS virtual reality headsets, Leap Motion touchless interaction system and BrainWave, a fascinating system for measuring brainwave patterns.

The interactive table Body Interact received great attention, as well as the Virtual Patient system distributed exclusively in Italy by Nume Plus. Healthcare professionals could put their competencies to the test resolving complex and engaging clinical cases, verifying the correct application of scientific studies and guidelines.



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