
Certification programs for personnel skills in accordance with UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17024 international standards

Nume Plus offers programs targeted at the accreditation of personnel skills in accordance with UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17024 international standards within the scope of expertise in the healthcare sector and with specific reference to professional innovation and digital transformation.

Nume Plus supports experts in the sector with the formulation of certification schemes for professionals. In our capacity as an Operating Agency, Nume Plus collaborates with Certification Bodies recognized by ACCREDIA, making our online platforms available for the operative phases of accreditation.

Professional development
Certification schemes
Online tools for accreditation

Un’App innovativa che fornisce informazioni relative a meeting e convegni per garantire il pieno coinvolgimento dei presenti


The certification of Nume Plus

Professional development

With support from the Scientific Society and/or Board of Experts, Nume Plus assists with the formulation of the Certification Scheme in accordance with UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17024 international standards: from detail of skills, abilities and competencies of professionals to the establishment of access requirements and examinations.

Certification schemes

Nume Plus takes care of the certification procedure from the verification of applications to examinations, coordinating, as an Operating Agency, with the ACCREDIA-recognized organization that issues certificates and keeps online public registers of certified individuals updated.

Online tools for accreditation

Nume Plus takes care of the development of online tools customized for the needs of specific projects in order to fulfil various stages and/or tasks: from preparatory training to accreditation to collecting applications, from the promotion of the project to the carrying out of exams.


Via Panciatichi 40/11
50127 Firenze
PIVA/CF 06595830487
TEL: +39 055 389 1856
MAIL: info@nume.plus
PEC: numeplussrl@pec.it

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