

Data disclaimer pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of EU Reg. 679/2016 [GDPR]

Who are we and what do we do with your personal data?

Nume Plus S.r.l., con sede in 50127 Firenze (FI), via Panciatichi, 40/11, (di seguito anche Il Titolare), in qualità di titolare del trattamento, si preoccupa della riservatezza dei tuoi dati personali e di garantire ad essi la protezione necessaria da ogni evento che possa metterli a rischio di violazione.

For the purpose, the Data Controller puts into practice policies and practices regarding the collection and use of personal data and the exercise of the rights that are recognized by the applicable legislation. The Data Controller takes care to update the policies and practices adopted for the protection of personal data whenever this becomes necessary and in any case in the event of regulatory and organizational changes that may affect the processing of your personal data.

The Data Controller has appointed a data protection officer (RPD or DPO) who you can contact if you have questions about the policies and practices adopted.

You can contact the RPD / DPO at the address dpo@nume.plus

How does the Data Controller collect and process your data?

Your personal information will be processed for:

  • The navigation of the nume.plus site

The processing of your personal data, such as navigation data eg. the IP address and cookies issued by browsing the nume.plus site are processed by the Data Controller to follow up on the management of the site and to collect information of an aggregate nature.

Your personal data will in no way be disseminated or disclosed to indeterminate subjects.


  • Communication to third parties and recipients

The communication of your personal data takes place mainly towards third parties and / or recipients whose activity is necessary for the performance of the activities related to the aforementioned purposes, and also to respond to certain legal obligations. Any communication that does not respond to these purposes will be subject to your consent.

In particular, your data will be disclosed to third parties / recipients for:

  1. the performance of the service (e.g. IT service provider);
  1. communications to the financial administration, and to the public supervisory and control bodies in respect of which the Data Controller must fulfill specific obligations deriving from the specific nature of the activity carried out;

The personal data that the Data Controller processes for this purpose are:

  • browsing data (IP address)
  • Grounds of IT security

The Data Controller processes, also through its suppliers (third parties and / or recipients), your personal data (e.g. IP address) or traffic data collected, or obtained, in the case of services displayed on the website to a strictly necessary and proportionate extent. to ensure the security and ability of a network or servers connected to it to withstand, at a given level of security, unforeseen events or illegal or malicious acts that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of personal data stored or transmitted.

For these purposes, the Data Controller provides procedures for the management of the violation of personal data (data breach).

What cookies are and for what purposes they can be used

A "cookie" is a small text file created by some websites on the user's computer when the user accesses a particular site, with the purpose of storing and transporting information. Cookies are sent from a web server (which is the computer on which the visited website is running) to the user's browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) and stored on the user's computer; they are then re-sent to the website at the time of subsequent visits.

Some operations could not be performed without the use of cookies, which, in some cases, are therefore technically necessary. In other cases, the site uses cookies to facilitate and facilitate navigation by the user or to allow them to use services specifically requested.

Cookies can remain in the system even for long periods and can also contain a unique identification code. This allows the sites that use them to keep track of the user's navigation within the site itself, for statistical or advertising purposes, to create a personalized user profile starting from the pages that the same has visited and show him and / or then send them targeted advertisements (c.d. Behavioural Advertising).

Which cookies are used and for what main purpose

The Data Controller reports below the specific categories of cookies used, the purpose and the consequence deriving from their de-selection:






Technical cookies

First part

Site management. They allow the safe and efficient operation and browsing of the website

11 months

These are the cookies necessary for the use of the site, blocking them does not allow them to function

Cookie analitici

Prima parte

Collect information in aggregate form on user browsing to optimize the browsing experience and the services themselves.

11 months

It would no longer be possible for the Data Controller to acquire aggregate information


Third party cookies

Sul presente sito web non sono operativi cookie di terzi parti, ossia cookie creati da un sito web diverso da quello che l’utente sta attualmente visitando.

Deselezione e attivazione dei cookie  

Puoi modificare le tue impostazioni cliccando sull’apposito link presente nel footer. 

What happens if you don't provide your data?

We invite you to read the consequences deriving from the deselection of individual cookies, as shown in the table above.

How, where and for how long is your data stored?

How we treat your data

The processing of personal data is carried out through IT procedures by specifically authorized and trained internal subjects. They are allowed access to your personal data to the extent and to the extent that it is necessary for the performance of the processing activities that concern you.

The Data Controller periodically checks the tools by which your data are processed and the security measures envisaged for them, which it requires to be constantly updated; verifies, also through the subjects authorized to process, that personal data that do not need to be processed are not collected, processed, archived or stored; verifies that the data are kept with the guarantee of integrity and authenticity and of their use for the purposes of the treatments actually carried out.

 Where we process your data

I dati sono conservati in archivi informatici e telematici situati anche all’esterno dello spazio economico europeo. In particolare:

  • USA – Adesione a Data Privacy Framework.

How long do we process your data


We invite you to read the terms for storing personal data as indicated in the previous table.

- Site navigation:

I dati personali vengono conservati per il tempo necessario a consentire la navigazione del sito e comunque non oltre 11 mesi, salvi i casi in cui si verifichino eventi che comportino l’intervento delle Autorità competenti, anche in collaborazione con i terzi/destinatari cui è demandata l’attività di sicurezza informatica dei dati del Titolare, a svolgere eventuali indagini sulle cause che hanno determinato l’evento, nonché per tutelare gli interessi del Titolare relativi a una eventuale responsabilità correlata all’uso del sito e dei relativi servizi.

What are your rights?

Basically you, at any time and free of charge and without special charges and formalities for your request, can:

  • obtain confirmation of the processing carried out by the Data Controller;
  • access your personal data and know its origin (when the data are not obtained from you directly), the purposes and purposes of the processing, the data of the subjects to whom they are communicated, the retention period of your data or useful criteria to determine it;
  • update or rectify your personal data so that it is always accurate and accurate;
  • delete your personal data from the databases and / or archives, including backups, of the Data Controller in the event, among others, in which they are no longer necessary for the purposes of the processing or if this is assumed to be illegal, and always if the conditions required by law; and in any case if the processing is not justified by another equally legitimate reason;
  • limit the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances, for example where you have contested its accuracy, for the period necessary for the Data Controller to verify its accuracy. You must also be informed, in a reasonable time, of when the suspension period has been completed or the cause of the limitation of the processing has ceased, and therefore the limitation itself has been revoked;
  • obtain your personal data, if received or processed by the Data Controller with your consent and / or if their processing takes place on the basis of a contract and with automated tools, in electronic format also in order to transmit them to another data controller.

The Data Controller must proceed in this sense without delay and, in any case, at the latest within one month of receiving your request. The deadline can be extended by two months, if necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of requests received by the Data Controller. In such cases, the Data Controller, within one month of receiving your request, will inform you and will inform you of the reasons for the extension. To exercise your rights, write to the address info@nume.plus  

How and when can you object to the processing of your personal data?

For reasons relating to your particular situation, you can object to the processing of your personal data at any time if it is based on legitimate interest, by sending your request to the Data Controller, at the address info@nume.plus

You have the right to have your personal data deleted if there is no legitimate reason overriding the one that gave rise to your request.

Who can you lodge a complaint with?

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial action, you can lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority or the one that carries out its duties and exercises its powers in Italy where you have your habitual residence or work or if different in the State member where the violation of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 occurred.


Via Panciatichi 40/11
50127 Firenze
PIVA/CF 06595830487
TEL: +39 055 389 1856
MAIL: info@nume.plus
PEC: numeplussrl@pec.it

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