Nume Plus offers advanced services for organizing training events, in person and online. From digital activities to medical simulation, from e-learning platforms to webinars, Nume Plus solutions guarantee maximum engagement from participants in unique and innovative events.
In-person learning
The application of technologies for teaching in person, from digital solutions to instruments for medical simulation, helps to facilitate interaction between participants, monitor learning results, and encourage processes of collaboration and consideration.
Nume Plus provides support to the client in delivering training events, from the planning of teaching activities to the provision of venues and organizational support.
Simulation epitomizes the very best of medical training: with this method you can practise complex procedures, guaranteeing greater patient safety
The simulation tools, from task trainer to mannequins, provide healthcare professionals with exercises in advanced medical practice where it is necessary to develop specialized manual skills or certain analytical competencies. The use of high-quality mannequins allows for the creation of realistic medical scenarios, where the medical team must coordinate and collaborate in an active and participatory way.
In collaboration with experts from SIMMED – Società Italiana di Simulazione in Medicina – Nume Plus is able to guide the client in the planning and preparation stages of the medical simulation activity.
Digital solutions for in-person learning
With Nume Plus digital solutions you can involve the audience in interactive, state-of-the-art activities: virtual patients and interactive clinical cases, consensus using the Delphi method, surveys and interactive Q&As.
Data analysis and statistical processing in real time allows the tutor to comment and discuss results in class, fostering a constructive and engaging exchange.
The Nume Plus software solutions can be deployed on different types of devices, according to the nature of the event: from participants’ smartphones to interactive tables for group activities.
With Nume Plus digital solutions you can involve the audience in interactive, state-of-the-art activities: virtual patients and interactive clinical cases, consensus using the Delphi method, surveys and interactive Q&As.
Data analysis and statistical processing in real time allows the tutor to comment and discuss results in class, fostering a constructive and engaging exchange.
The Nume Plus software solutions can be deployed on different types of devices, according to the nature of the event: from participants’ smartphones to interactive tables for group activities.
Medical simulation
Simulation epitomizes the very best of medical training: with this method you can practise complex procedures, guaranteeing greater patient safety.
The simulation tools, from task trainer to mannequins, provide healthcare professionals with exercises in advanced medical practice where it is necessary to develop specialized manual skills or certain analytical competencies. The use of high-quality mannequins allows for the creation of realistic medical scenarios, where the medical team must coordinate and collaborate in an active and participatory way.
In collaboration with experts from SIMMED – Società Italiana di Simulazione in Medicina – Nume Plus is able to guide the client in the planning and preparation stages of the medical simulation activity.
Simulation epitomizes the very best of medical training: with this method you can practise complex procedures, guaranteeing greater patient safety.
The simulation tools, from task trainer to mannequins, provide healthcare professionals with exercises in advanced medical practice where it is necessary to develop specialized manual skills or certain analytical competencies. The use of high-quality mannequins allows for the creation of realistic medical scenarios, where the medical team must coordinate and collaborate in an active and participatory way.
In collaboration with experts from SIMMED – Società Italiana di Simulazione in Medicina – Nume Plus is able to guide the client in the planning and preparation stages of the medical simulation activity.
Online training
Nume Plus has a team dedicated to the organization of webinars and online meetings: over 2500 webinars organized in around two years, taking care of all details from pre-event tests with speakers to telephone support for participants.
Are webinars and meetings not enough? The important thing is to stand out! Virtual set, 3D technology, advanced management, attention to timing and tempo: the final result is akin to a real television broadcast.
Nume Plus offers a complete service for online training: from the provision of personalized e-learning platforms to the development of multimedia teaching resources, from the organization of webinars to the creation of interactive activities.
E-learning platforms online with ECM standards: in addition to the complete graphics system personalization, we can incorporate advanced functionality, capable of simplifying the management of the platform and integrating it with external applications.
With more than ten years’ experience in distance learning, Nume Plus is able to guide the client in the planning and development of multimedia and interactive teaching resources: from medical simulation software with the application of virtual patients, to interactive activities based on gamification principles.
Phygital Education: hybrid learning
In-person training and online learning are progressively converging towards a new training model, integrating different elements of both approaches. The result is hybrid events, where in-person sessions are transmitted live online, where some speakers and participants can be physically present and others remote, interacting in an efficient way thanks to digital technologies. The broadcasting of the event can continue subsequently too, publishing the recordings of speeches and facilitating discussion using virtual spaces.
Nume Plus offers a complete service for transforming traditional events into hybrid events including event management using virtual sets, support for speakers connected remotely, video montage of recordings and arrangement of virtual spaces for debate and discussion.
Nume Plus offers a complete service for transforming traditional events into hybrid events including event management using virtual sets, support for speakers connected remotely, video montage of recordings and arrangement of virtual spaces for debate and discussion.