Body Interact™ is an interactive digital simulator that allows you to interact with a virtual patient in an innovative and engaging way
Based on problem-solving of complex and indicative clinical cases with the ability to stimulate the medical thinking of professionals and participants. Body Interact™ offers interaction with a complete interactive, true-to-reality virtual patient inside a 3D immersive environment.
Using a complex and structured set of clinical algorithms, the system replicates the clinical conditions of the patient in real time, updating them based on the medical actions undertaken by the participants.
Body Interact™ is an interactive digital simulator that allows you to interact with a virtual patient in an innovative and engaging way
Based on problem-solving of complex and indicative clinical cases with the ability to stimulate the medical thinking of professionals and participants. Body Interact™ offers interaction with a complete interactive, true-to-reality virtual patient inside a 3D immersive environment.
Using a complex and structured set of clinical algorithms, the system replicates the clinical conditions of the patient in real time, updating them based on the medical actions undertaken by the participants.
Body Interact™ allows you to simulate numerous clinical activities in a realistic fashion
Visual signs and symptoms – Interactive dialogues – Physical examinations – Electrophysiological examinations – Real time monitoring – Imaging
A library of over one hundred clinical cases ready for teaching activity
Specialisms: Allergology/
Internal medicine, Nephrology, obstetrics, oncology, orthopaedics, otolaryngology, paediatrics, maternity/gynaecology,
physiotherapy, pulmonology, respiratory disorders, toxicology, traumatology, urology, vascular surgery, vulnology
Body Interact™ provides a library of over one hundred scientifically-validated clinical cases,
able to simulate different medical contexts, from urgent care to care
for chronic patients, involving numerous fields, from cardiology to neurology
Body Interact™ is a flexible system that can be adopted in various educational approaches
pain, loss of consciousness, cyanosis, chest expansion
wide range of questions that can be addressed to the patient
simulates the response to medications, medical interventions, different states of health
12-lead ECG
blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, SpO2
ABG, biochemical testing, blood cultures, cardiac markers, coagulation tests
Pelvis radiograph, CT angiogram, abdominal CT, abdominal radiograph, abdominal ultrasound, carotid Doppler test, thoracic CT, thoracic radiograph, colonoscopy, coronary angiography, cranial CT, lateral cervical radiograph of the spine, lower extremity ultrasound, pelvic CT, transoesophageal echocardiogram, transthoracic echocardiogram, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy