2018PreviousSIMCUP 2018

14 April 2018

Nume Plus participated in SIMCUP2018the most important training and cultural event for postdoctoral students on simulation in Italy. A competition where 24 teams challenge each other through a circuit of simulation stations, in which basic and advanced mannequins, task trainers and virtual reality simulators alternate.

Nume Plus actively contributed to the event, making our training tools available in two simulation stations dedicated to clinical reasoning:

  • 12 April: during the qualifications, was deployed Body Interact a 3D simulator dedicated to urgent care in hospitals, developed by Take The Wind. The activities were led by Doctor Cecilia Agostini and Doctor Francesco Dorbolò who carried out a key teaching role presenting the system, observing the simulation proceedings and carrying out the debriefing of each squad’s performance.
  • 13 April: during the competition, Clinica© was used, a flexible and advanced interactive clinical cases system developed by Nume Plus. For this station of clinical reasoning, three interactive clinical cases were created in collaboration with the experts SIMNOVA and SIMMED. The activity was led by Doctor Elisa Bottini and Doctor Roberta Marzorati.

Nume Plus is proud to have supported SIMCUP2018, a demonstration of how the tools of computer-based simulation can assume an important role in simulation activities, both at a didactic level and for evaluation purposes.

Nume Plus is grateful to Pierluigi Ingrassia, Luca Carenzo, Luigi Castello, Elisa Bottini, Francesco Dorbolò, Roberta Marzorati, Cecilia Agostini for the valuable scientific support in the preparation of the tasks.

For further information: info@nume.plus

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50127 Firenze
PIVA/CF 06595830487
TEL: +39 055 389 1856
MAIL: info@nume.plus
PEC: numeplussrl@pec.it

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