2018PreviousAPP Nodoping

25 November 2018

Nume Plus oversaw the planning and development of the Nodoping app, an informative app aimed at physicians, paramedics, pharmacists, parents, sports officials and athletes. NoDoping is an app that allows you to swiftly receive information regarding prohibited drugs/active agents on the market in Italy and on the WADA list.

Using the app, it is also possible to receive details on TUE (request for exemption for therapeutic purposes): a step-by-step guide for making the request, filling in the forms, whom it should be sent to and in what way.

Furthermore, the app allows for prompt communication between the clubs and federations – particularly at a medical level – as it allows the athlete to interact with their medical company staff before sending the form.




Via Panciatichi 40/11
50127 Firenze
PIVA/CF 06595830487
TEL: +39 055 389 1856
MAIL: info@nume.plus
PEC: numeplussrl@pec.it

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